Annunciation School's Centennial Celebration 1923-2023!

 Annunciation Catholic School will be celebrating our 100th year in South Minneapolis this coming school year! On September 10th, 1923, four Dominican Sisters opened Annunciaton Catholic School with 72 pupils enrolled.

Check back for more details on how we plan to celebrate this special school year!

"The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy” ~Psalm 126:3~

Free event! Registration coming soon.

School Centennial Fund

Our school centennial campaign with a goal to raise 1 million dollars for critical facility repairs and scholarships is off to a great start!
We’re so blessed that a few generous donors have offered a $500,000 matching challenge. This means that every dollar given will be matched dollar for dollar.
Thank you to all who have contributed! To make a contribution, please contact Tom Konz at 612-760-0950. Please prayerfully consider what you can offer as we celebrate 100 years of our beloved Annunciation school and build a foundation for the next 100 years.
In Christ,
Fr. Deziel

Click here to donate to our Centennial Fund!