Easy Ways to Give:
Online Donations
Simply click the link to setup a weekly or monthly donation using your credit card or a checking or savings account.

Annunciation has partnered with Charitable Adult Rides & Services (CARS), a nationwide vehicle donation program. Annunciation receives the donation and you get a tax deduction!
Donate A VehicleStrive to Tithe
God gives us 100% and only asks for 10% in return. Fundamentally, tithing is not about the Church’s need for money – it is about our need to give back to God in thanksgiving for all
He has done for us!
What is stewardship?
Stewardship supports the annual expenses and maintenance of Annunciation Catholic Church.
- Time spent with God in prayer and at weekly Mass.
- Talent shared to bring others closer to Jesus.
- Treasure God gives us 100% and only asks for 10% in return.
Questions about tithing? Contact Teresa Thein at tthein@annunciationmsp.org or 612-824-9993 x255
Help our Students Reach their Potential!
Annunciation Annual Fund
The Annual Fund supports the best things about an Annunciation education, including excellent academics and teacher training, faith formation and service, a rich array of sports and activities.
Because of generous donors, Annunciation students are able to:
- Engage in creative problem solving, hands-on projects, and inquiry-based learning.
- Grow in their understanding and love for the Catholic faith through retreats and chapel Mass.
- Expand their learning world through interactive technology in the classrooms.
- Participate in theater, sports, band and choir.
- Develop a love of reading in one of the best school libraries in the state.
- Learn with the proper support for diverse learning styles.
It takes great resources to offer an outstanding Catholic education. We need your help.
Thank you for considering a gift to Annunciation School’s Annual Fund!
Give to the Annual FundHelp A Student Fund
Each child is a gift from God and a promise for tomorrow.
Annunciation’s Help-A-Student Fund provides need-based tuition grants. We recognize that tuition is difficult for many families to manage. Your investment in young students will ensure Christian leaders for the future. Please help a student in need benefit from Annunciation’s tradition of academic rigor, spiritual enrichment and leadership development.
We are honored to announce the establishment of the following Memorial Legacy Funds.
These funds will honor the following beloved members of our Annunciation Family:
- Paul Jaeger Memorial Fund
- Fr. Paul LaFontaine Scholarship Fund
- Bob & Gerry Nehotte Scholarship Fund
- Leslie Smith Memorial Fund
Annunciation Partner Program
A financial partnership to sponsor a student from kindergarten through 8th grade graduation at Annunciation School. This program allows students to attend Annunciation School who would not otherwise be able to attend. Christ’s light shines through you when you become an Annunciation Student Partner.
Contact Teresa Thein, Business Administrator, for more information. 612-824-9993 Ext. 255.
Thank you for considering a gift to the Help-A-Student Fund.
Give to the Help-A-Student FundThe Annunciation Benefactor Society
The Annunciation Benefactor Society celebrates individuals and families who are providing for the future of Annunciation Church through the support of church ministries and the education of future Catholic leaders through our parish school.
Membership is open to anyone who has made or announces their intention to include Annunciation in their estate plan.
5 Ways to Support Annunciation School’s Endowment Fund and/or the Annunciation Parish Endowment:
- Cash or Stock
- Bequest in Your Will or Estate Plan
- Charitable Gift Annuities
- Life Insurance or IRA Beneficiary Designations
- Donation of a Business, Personal Property or Real Estate
Contact Teresa Thein, Business Administrator, for more information. 612-824-9993 Ext. 255.