Welcome Corey Copps!

Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Corey Copps, who will be stepping into the role of Facilities Manager effective January 2, 2024.

Welcome Corey Copps!

Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Corey Copps, who will be stepping into the role of Facilities Manager effective January 2, 2024. Corey will be taking over from our former long-term Facilities Manager, Steve Marple who has contributed immensely to our organization for the past 27 years! We thank Steve for his tireless dedication to Annunciation. Steve will remain on through January to mentor Corey three days a week so you may see him on campus and have a chance to thank Steve yourself. Corey's arrival comes at a dynamic time for us, with Annunciation School’s Centennial. We are looking forward to working together to ensure the continued maintenance and enhancement of our facilities. His enthusiasm and love for Annunciation is a huge asset to our community.


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