SeptmberFest  Raffle • GRAND PRIZE $5000 cash! • 2nd Prize $750 cash! • 3rd Prize $250 cash! Tickets are $25.00 each.


SeptmberFest  Raffle

• GRAND PRIZE $5000 cash!
• 2nd Prize $750 cash!
• 3rd Prize $250 cash!

Tickets are $25.00 each.

By offering these tickets you are helping support Annunciation Catholic Church
SeptemberFest is one of the primary fundraisers for Annunciation. The funds collected support many ministries. If each person/family gets donations for these tickets, Annunciation would make over $50,000 on the raffle alone!

Please offer these tickets to family/friends/neighbors to support your Church. You can turn in your tickets and donation in an envelope to the Church or school office or in the collection basket at Mass. If you are not able to offer these tickets to anybody, please consider a personal donation and turn in the remaining tickets as outlined above. If you need additional tickets, please stop by the parish business office or contact Jimmy Dunn at or (612) 824-0787 x258

*Person who sells the winning ticket also receives a $100 cash prize

Winners will be announced after Mass on Sunday. All households asked to sell or purchase $100 in raffle tickets (4-$25 tickets)


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